Upcoming Harbour Revision (Consolidation) Order public consultation events
Latitude 56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Download Printable PDF Mariners are advised that works to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colon
The rescheduled public information events will be held in March 2024
An updated Q&A document is now available
is inviting communities to share their views on a project to consolidate harbour legislation across its network of ports and harbours
13th February between 16:00 and 19:00 at The Ramsay Hall
13th February between 16:00 and 19:00 at The Ramsay Hall
Latitude 56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Download Printable PDF DIVING OPERATIONS Mariners are advised that starting on Monday 5th February 2024 divers w
The postponed events have now been rescheduled for 11th, 12th and 13th March 2024, at Uig, Tarbert and Lochmaddy respectively.
View the materials presented at the public event in Millport and complete our feedback survey on the updated preferred option.
Due to a forecast of adverse weather, the planned Little Minch Routes events, 22–24 January 2024, have been postponed. Further updates will follow.
We’re inviting the community on Cumbrae to share their views on the proposed option for the reconstruction of the slipway and landside facilities.
CMAL has announced the launch of MV Isle of Islay on 16 March 2024 at the Cemre Marin Endustri shipyard in Yalova, Turkey
Mariners are advised the following lower AtoN light established on the pier head at Lochranza Ferry Terminal, Isle of Arran has been restored to normal operation. Location description : Lochranza Ferr
Public events will be held to provide updates on the infrastructure works, progress of the new vessels, and the routes’ timetabling planning.
CLAONAIG ATON LIGHT ALTERATION Mariners are advised that the sector light at Claonaig Ferry Slipway has been altered to an all year round red light with all the details below Location description : Ki
Mariners are advised that after a recent period of unfavourable weather the following AtoN light and most of its supporting pole established north of the pier head at Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Scalasai
Mariners are advised the following lower AtoN light established on the pier head at Lochranza Ferry Terminal, Isle of Arran is extinguished. Location description : Lochranza Ferry Terminal. NW Corner
Latitude 55° 48.395’ N Longitude 005o 29.070’ W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum M
Latitude 56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that works to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle