Mariners are advised that after a recent period of unfavourable weather the following AtoN light established in the Sound of Iona, roughly 3 cables South West of Bullhole Ferry Structure, is missing.
CMAL is hosting a series of engagement events to kick off the Small Vessel Replacement Programme (SVRP) Phase 2
We are recruiting for a Senior Civil Engineer to help deliver our programme of works to maintain existing infrastructure, upgrade facilities to accommodate new vessels and adopt new technologies, and
Mariners are advised that after a recent period of unfavourable weather the following AtoN light established in the Sound of Iona, roughly 3 cables South West of Bullhole Ferry Structure, is missing.
We will hold a pre-application consultation (PAC) event to present information on the proposed works at Port Ellen
We are recruiting for the position of PMO Officer to strengthen the Business Support Team.
We are pleased to announce an upcoming face-to-face drop-in session for the Mallaig-Lochboisdale New Vessel project
MV Glen Sannox, MV Isle of Islay, the Small Vessel Replacement Programme, the Islay Vessel Enabling Works—here’s all the latest CMAL news
Catch up on the materials we presented and submit your feedback
We are pleased to announce an upcoming face-to-face drop-in session for the Mallaig-Lochboisdale New Vessel project
Latitude 55° 48.383’ N Longitude 005o 29.037’ W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum W
We’re recruiting Civil Engineering Project Managers to deliver our programme of works—maintaining existing infrastructure, upgrading facilities, and building new ferry terminals.
Tha am pròiseact seo na dhaingneachadh air na pròiseactan mu dheireadh a bh’ ann an Tiriodh a thaobh marasgladh, stiùireadh trafaig, agus an t- ionad aiseig ùr.
Latitude 56° 4.121’ N Longitude 006o 11.041’ W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Marin
Tha clann sgoile ann an Ìle agus Diùra air cuireadh fhaotainn gu com-pàirt a ghabhail ann am farpais gus am pìosan ealain a thaisbeanadh air bòrd MV An t-Eilean Ìleach agus MV Loch an Dàil.
The fourth instalment in our Stakeholder Update series is now available to view online
Latitude 55° 34.645’ N Latitude 005o 8.166’ W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that on 07 October 2024, engineers will be undertaking a visual inspection of the linkspan at Brodic
Tha pròiseact a thaobh dà shoitheach bathair ionadachadh sna h-Eileanan a Tuath air tòiseachadh, a tha gu làithreach ag obair air an t-slighe eadar Obar Dheathain agus Ciorcabhal/Lèiriug
Latitude 55° 34.644’ N Latitude 005o 8.326’ W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that on 19 September 2024, surveyors Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys will be undertaking a hi
Tha pròiseact Ùrachaidh Cidhe loch nam Madadh air Duais Mara chliùiteach a bhuannachadh aig Duaisean Innleadaireachd Togail na h-Alba 2024.