• NTM 64/21 Largs Inner Harbour Dive Project on Ferry MV Loch Shira

    Latitude   55° 47.718’ North Longitude 004° 52.322’ West WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Mariners are advised that on 01 September 2021, a dive project will be undertaken on CalMac ferry MV Loch Shir

  • NTM 63/21 Largs Pier Head AtoN Lights Returned to Normal

    With reference to NTM 59/21, mariners are advised that today the following AtoN lights established on Largs Ferry Terminal pier head were refitted and returned to normal operation. Name :    Largs. Pi


    Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) has appointed ferry design consultancy Navalue to lead the concept design of its Small Vessel Replacement Programme (SVRP). Navalue will provide consultancy s

  • NTM 62/21 Gallanach Ferry Slipway, Sound of Kerrera Dive Inspection

    Latitude   56º 23.822’N                                                        Longitude 5º 30.636’W WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum Mari

  • NTM 61/21 Tarbert (Harris) Alteration to Position and Heights of AtoN Lights

    Mariners are advised that following reconstruction of the pier head of Tarbert Ferry Terminal Pier, East Loch Tarbert, Isle of Harris, the sanctioned positions of the following AtoN lights have been p


    The linkspan at Gourock Ferry Terminal will close for nine days on Wednesday 25 August 2021 after Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) detected an issue with the hydraulic lifting cylinders. Engineer

  • NTM 60/21 Gourock Bay Acoustic Device Maintenance

    Latitude   55º 57.782’N                                                        Longitude 004º 48.923’W WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum Ma

  • NTM 59/21 Largs Pier Head AtoN Lights Temporarily Extinguished

    Mariners are advised that on 12 August 2021, the following AtoN lights established on Largs Ferry Terminal pier head will be temporarily extinguished and removed for off-site essential maintenance.  T

  • NTM 58/21 Armadale Ferry Terminal Pier Fender Repairs

    Latitude   57° 3.903’ North                                                  Longitude 005° 53.637’ West WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum

  • NTM 57/21 Gourock Ferry Terminal Bathymetric Survey

    Latitude   55° 57.667’ North                                                Longitude 004° 48.853’ West WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum M

  • NTM 56/21 Asset Condition Survey Project – Update 12

    Further to NTM 51/21, mariners are advised that CMAL will be conducting an asset condition survey of the facilities at the location listed below that is operated primarily in support of lifeline ferri