The materials we presented at last week’s public event are now available to view online
Since the main event was held as scheduled, the planned backup will no longer be necessary.
Bidh tachartas co-chomhairleachaidh againn ro-làimh (PAC) gus fiosrachadh a lìbhrigeadh mu na h-obraichean san amharc ann am Port Ilein
Stuthan taisbeanaidh bho na coinneamhan poblach agus am pròiseact a’ tòiseachadh air an ìre obair dealbhaidh mhionaidich
Public meetings announced as the project begins the detailed design works stage
The Ground Investigation works for the proposed new ferry terminal at Port Ellen have been completed successfully
The Ground Investigation works for the proposed new ferry terminal at Port Ellen have been completed successfully
A programme of ground investigation work is set to begin
The Outline Business Case (OBC) is now being finalised
The Outline Business Case (OBC) is now being finalised
Islanders are invited to attend a drop-in session on proposed improvements and upgrades at Port Ellen Ferry Terminal. Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) is hosting the event on Thursday 26 Janu
Extra wave modelling work is being carried out
Frequently asked questions have now been collated
Exhibition slides are now available to view
We are hosting a community engagement event
See Mott MacDonald’s briefing note
We are progressing detailed plans for significant investment and upgrade at Port Ellen Ferry Terminal
A project reference group has been appointed to represent the views of the community