The materials we presented at last week’s public event are now available to view online
Latitude 55º 37.624’N Longitude 006º 11.401’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum Mariners are advised that today, as a result of Storm Eowyn, the large 18m ferry gangway has gone missing from the pier a
We’re recruiting a Operational Contract Manager to strengthen the Port Infrastructure Department
Since the main event was held as scheduled, the planned backup will no longer be necessary.
Mariners are advised that after a recent period of unfavourable weather the following AtoN light established in the Sound of Iona, roughly 3 cables South West of Bullhole Ferry Structure, is missing.
A-nis ri fhaotainn: na stuthan taisbeanaidh bho thachartasan poblach pròiseact MLNV
Mariners are advised that after a recent period of unfavourable weather the following AtoN light established in the Sound of Iona, roughly 3 cables South West of Bullhole Ferry Structure, is missing.
Latitude 55° 48.383’ N Longitude 005o 29.037’ W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum W
Mariners are advised that after a recent period of unfavourable weather the following AtoN light and most of its supporting pole established north of the pier head at Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Scalasai
Mariners are advised that improvement works to the port at Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle of Colonsay to accommodate the new Islay class ferries are scheduled to commence on 20 March 20
Mariners are advised that improvement works to the port at Kennacraig Ferry Terminal are ongoing and during this time the north or south pier berths will be alternately closed to mariners as required.
Mariners are informed this updated NTM covers the implementation of maritime sanctions at CMAL ports and harbours that were introduced by the UK Government on 1 March 2022, under the Russia (Sanctions
Mariners are advised that all active Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited NTMs issued prior to 1st January 2025 are cancelled or considered sufficiently promulgated. All new NTMs will be issued or those