Complete NTM 33/24

Mariners are advised that after a recent period of unfavourable weather the following AtoN light established in the Sound of Iona, roughly 3 cables South West of Bullhole Ferry Structure, is missing.


Location description:           Bull Hole, Sound of Iona

Latitude                     :           56o 20.175’     North (WGS-84 datum)

Longitude                   :           006o 22.031’   West (WGS-84 datum)

Character of Light     :           FL R 3

Range                         :           0.5 nautical miles

IALA CATEGORY       :          CAT 2

Structure                     :           Steel column


A temporary lit buoy has been placed directed 4 metres adjacent to missing light with the light characteristics of FL R 2 in position 56o 20.167’ North 006o 22.002’ West.


Issue of this NTM supercedes NTM 32/24, hence that is now cancelled

Unless otherwise promulgated, if this NTM is still marked as ‘Active’ it remains in force.

Further details can be obtained using the contact details below.

Issued on behalf of the Harbour Master

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited

Categories: Fios gu Maraichean