• NTM 41/22 Largs Viking Festival Fireworks Display

    Latitude: 55º 47.245’N Longitude: 004º 52.046’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Between 20:00 and 21:15 on Saturday 3 September 2022, the Viking Festival of Fire will take place at Cairnie’s Quay, La

  • NTM 40/22 Gourock Dive Survey

    Latitude: 55º 57.675’N                                                         Longitude: 004º 48.864’W WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum  

  • NTM 39/22 Oban No.1 Fender Repairs

    Latitude   56º 24.717’N                                                        Longitude 005º 28.625’W WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum  

  • NTM 38/12 Port Ellen, Islay, Bathymetric & Geophysical Surveys

    Latitude   55º 37.611’N Longitude 006º 11.373’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Mariners are advised that from today’s date, surveyors Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys will be undertaking a hig

  • NTM 37/22 Port Ellen, Islay, Acoustic Measuring Device Recovery

    Mariners are advised that on 02 August 2022, Partrac Ltd will be recovering the acoustic measuring devices and lit special mark buoys that were temporarily deployed at the two undernoted locations nea

  • NTM 36/22 Gourock Ferry Terminal Marine Surveys

    Latitude: 55º 57.675’N Longitude: 004º 48.864’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Mariners are advised that on 27 July 2022, surveyors Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys will commence a side-scan s

  • NTM 35/22 Sanctions on Russian & Belarus Vessels

    Mariners are informed this updated NTM covers the implementation of maritime sanctions at CMAL ports and harbours that were introduced by the UK Government on 1 March 2022, under the Russia (Sanctions

  • NTM 34/22 Coronovirus MDH Update

    CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) MARITIME DECLARATION of HEALTH UPDATE JUNE 2022 With reference to NTM 04/22, Mariners are advised that after recent discussion with their Scottish Government Health Department c

  • NTM 33/22 Port Ellen, Islay, Acoustic Measuring Device Maintenance

    Mariners are advised that Partrac Ltd will be undertaking recovery, servicing and redeployment of seabed mooring frames containing acoustic measuring devices and their mooring arrangements that have b

  • NTM 32/22 Sanctions on Russian Vessels Update

    Mariners are informed this NTM covers the implementation of maritime sanctions at CMAL ports and harbours that were introduced by the UK Government on 1 March 2022, under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Ex

  • NTM SN/08 Reporting of Incidents, Infrastructure or Aids to Navigation Defects

    INCIDENT REPORTING Mariners are advised that any marine incident or near miss should be reported to CMAL’s harbour operator, CalMac Ferries Ltd. This can be done by use of the Harbour Incident Report

  • NTM 31/22 Demolition of Brodick Old Pier Update

    Latitude   55º 34.639’N Longitude 005º 8.296’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   DEMOLITION OF BRODICK OLD PIER UPDATE   Mariners are advised that the deconstruction and demolition of Brodick Old

  • NTM 30/22 Coll Fender Repairs

    Latitude   56° 36.871’ N                                                       Longitude 006o 31.358’ W WGS 84 Datum                                                                     WGS 84 Datum  

  • NTM 28/22 Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay, Fender Replacement Works Update

    Latitude   56º 4.134’N Longitude 006º 11.055’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Mariners are advised that work to replace fendering on the north berth of Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay Ferry Terminal, Isle

  • NTM 27/22 Brodick Ferry Terminal, Old Pier Head AtoN Lights Permanently Discontinued

    With reference to NTM 23/22, mariners are advised that the following AtoN lights that were established on the head of the old pier at Brodick Ferry Terminal, Brodick Bay, Isle of Arran, have been perm

  • NTM 26/22 Scalasaig Pier, Colonsay, Dive Inspection

      Latitude   56º 4.107’N Longitude 006º 11.164’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Mariners are advised that dive contractor Shearwater Marine Services Ltd is undertaking a dive survey project wit

  • NTM 25-22 Colonsay Anchorage Position Change

    Latitude   56º 4.107’N                                                           Longitude 006º 11.164’W WGS 84 Datum                                                                     WGS 84 Datum  

  • NTM 24/22 Isle of Islay, Kilnaughton Bay & Loch Leodamais, Bathymetric Survey

    Latitude   55º 37.593’N Longitude 006º 12.223’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Mariners are advised that from 26 April 2022, surveyors Aspect Land & Hydrographic Surveys will be undertaking a hi

  • NTM 23/22 Isle Arran, Brodick Old Pier Demolition

    Latitude   55º 34.639’N Longitude 005º 8.296’W WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum   Mariners are advised that the deconstruction and demolition of Brodick Old Pier at Brodick Ferry Terminal, Isle of Arran

  • NTM 22/22 Port Ellen, Islay, Acoustic Measuring Device Maintenance

    Mariners are advised that Partrac Ltd will be undertaking recovery, servicing and redeployment of seabed mooring frames containing acoustic measuring devices and their mooring arrangements that have b