Complete NTM 75/21

Latitude   57º 53.807’N                                                Longitude 006º 47.978’W
WGS 84 Datum WGS 84 Datum


Mariners are advised that as part of the ferry terminal redevelopment works, during week commencing 11 October 2021 there will be plough dredging taking place in the inner harbour area of East Loch Tarbert, Isle of Harris.

The works are scheduled to be undertaken by the workboat ‘Challenger of Leith’ over a period of two-days.

Prior to starting the works, the contractor will liaise with the Harbour Manager to ensure there will be no impact on timetabled ferry services. Communications with other vessels will be maintained using VHF channels 12 and 16.

While dredging the workboat will be very limited in its ability to manoeuvre and all vessels navigating in the vicinity of Tarbert (Harris) Ferry Terminal during this time are requested to do so with caution, maintain a lookout for the workboat, stay well clear and regulate their speed to minimise the effects of wash.

Further details can be obtained using the contact details below.


Issued on behalf of the Harbour Master

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited


Categories: Notice to Mariners