Complete NTM 37/23

Latitude: 55º 57.675’N                                                         Longitude: 004º 48.864’W

WGS 84 Datum                                                                      WGS 84 Datum

Mariners are advised that the dive promulgated in NTM 37/23 did not go ahead as planned and has been rescheduled to commence about 08:00 on the morning of 17th September 2023, when divers will be conducting a seawater inlet inspection on ferries berthed at Gourock Ferry Terminal, Gourock Bay, Firth of Clyde.

The diver plan will not impact on the scheduled ferry timetable and the dive supervisor will maintain a radio watch on VHF CH 12/16.

The works should be completed by 13:00 that day.

Mariners navigating in the vicinity of Gourock Ferry Terminal during this time are requested to do so with caution and regulate their speed to minimise the effects of wash.

Unless otherwise promulgated, if the NTM is still marked as ‘Active’ it is still in force.


Issued on behalf of the Harbour Master

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited


Categories: Notice to Mariners