Colonsay, Scalasaig, Isle of Colonsay PA61 7YW

Live Wind and Weather Data

0 kts.Wind Speed 0 kts.Wind Speed (max.) N 0°T

Tidal Data

Predicted Tidal Data displayed for Scalasaig
Observed Predicted
@09:04 GMT
@15:16 GMT
High Tide 2.72m 01:47
Low Tide 1.40m 08:38
High Tide 2.84m 15:16
Low Tide 1.39m 20:51


The live wind data displayed on this website are observations obtained from instruments located on harbour piers, quaysides and other structures to indicate the wind conditions that may be experienced at the pier or quayside berth but where the accuracy of the data may be affected by nearby buildings, topography or vessels berthed alongside.

Live weather & tidal information is provided as a guide and mariners should use this in addition to other sources of information to navigate safely within CMAL harbours.

Wind Speed Last 24 Hours

Temperature Last 24 Hours

Barometer Last 24 Hours


Harbour ownerCMAL
Harbour authorityCMAL
Harbour operatorCalMac Ferries Ltd
Ferry operator(s)CalMac Ferries Ltd
Local CalMac officePhone: +44 (0)1951 200 217 (Press Option 2)
CalMac general enquiriesPhone: 0800 066 5000 Email:

Location map

  • Oban – Colonsay
  • Colonsay – Port Askaig

CMAL does not decide ferry routes, this is the responsibility of the ferry operator. Routes are liable to change at any time and this list may not be accurate. Please always check the ferry operators website for the latest information.