Ferry on the slipway at Cumbrae

A project to plan and design the replacement or significant refurbishment of the slipway at Cumbrae as it nears the end of its serviceable life.

Exhibition materials—Public engagement event

25 January 2024

Complete the survey

Following today’s public event, we are asking you to share your views via our feedback survey on the Cumbrae Slipway Reconstruction Project.

This survey is your opportunity to provide your feedback on the updated preferred option for the proposed slipway, marshalling and pedestrian areas and landside facilities.

Take the online survey now ›

Download the printable survey ›

Printed surveys can be returned to the postal address below.

Alternatively, you can request a printed version of the survey by emailing cumbrae@cmassets.co.uk, by phoning 01475 749 920 or writing to CMAL, Municipal Buildings, Fore Street, Port Glasgow, PA14 5EQ.

The feedback survey is now live and will close for responses on Thursday 8th February 2024.

See the storyboards

The storyboards presented at the event are now available to view online:

View the storyboards ›

For more information, or to ask a question, please contact cumbrae@cmassets.co.uk.

Have your say—Public engagement event

15 January 2024

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) is inviting the community on Cumbrae to share their views on the proposed option for the reconstruction of the slipway and landside facilities.

The purpose of this exhibition is to provide you with an update on the project and to give you the opportunity to comment prior to the submission of the Marine Licence Application. The Marine Licence Application is required for the works that fall below the Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) level.

Based on feedback from stakeholders, the preferred option is to construct an offline slipway 30m South of the existing slipway, maintaining the service from the existing slipway during construction.

CMAL is leading the delivery of the project and is seeking feedback from the public and stakeholders.

An in-person, drop-in engagement event will take place on Thursday 25 January 2024, between 2pm–7pm in the Millport Development Association Hall, The Garrison. Members of the project team will be on-hand to answer questions and share more details about the project.

Storyboards from the event and an online consultation survey will also be available on this webpage in due course.

For more information, contact cumbrae@cmassets.co.uk.

Read the Consultation Report

11 January 2024

Find out about the emerging preferred option, plans for temporary and new traffic marshalling, road improvements, landside facilities and more. Read the full report now ›

Ground Investigation and Bathymetric Surveys Begin

7 August 2023

Ground Investigation works are expected to start in the Cumbrae slipway area on Tuesday 8th August 2023 and last for approximately one week. Bathymetric surveys and sampling works are scheduled to begin on Monday 14th August for a duration of around two weeks.

No disruption to the ferry service is anticipated as a result of these works during this time, however access to the area around the slipway at Cumbrae may be restricted.

Follow CMAL on Twitter for updates ›

Public Engagement Presentation Slides

29 June 2023

See the slides from 28th June’s public event, including the options, phases and stages discussed:

View now ›

Feedback Survey

28 June 2023

We are asking you to share your views via our feedback survey on the Cumbrae Slipway Reconstruction Project.

This survey is your opportunity to provide your feedback on the emerging preferred option for the slipway, the proposed marshalling plans and the landside facilities options.

The survey should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete, please take the time to answer all the questions. Your responses will be very helpful to the Cumbrae Slipway Reconstruction Project team. All responses will be anonymised in reporting.

The feedback survey is now live and will close for responses on Wednesday 19th July 2023.

Take part in the online survey now ›

Alternatively, you may download a PDF version of the survey here, print it and post it back to us using the address provided in the document.

Have your say—Public engagement event

16 June 2023

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) is inviting the community on Cumbrae to share their views on proposed options for the reconstruction of the slipway and landside facilities.

Options have been evaluated based on set requirements, and the emerging preferred option is to re-build the existing slipway in its current location and maintain service for the duration of construction from a temporary slipway constructed further south.

CMAL is leading the delivery of the project and is seeking feedback from the public and stakeholders.

An in-person, drop-in engagement event will take place on Wednesday 28 June 2023 between 2pm–7pm in the Community (Glass) Room at Garrison House. Members of the project team will be on-hand to answer questions and share more details about the project.

An online consultation survey will also be available on this webpage. The survey will be open from Wednesday 28 June until 19 July 2023.

A printed version of the survey can be requested by emailing cumbrae@cmassets.co.uk, by phoning 01475 749 920 or writing to CMAL, Municipal Buildings, Fore Street, Port Glasgow, PA14 5EQ. Completed paper surveys should be returned no later than 19 July. Thank you.

Ferry user group meeting 2023

10 January 2023

On January 10 2023, we held a meeting with the Cumbrae Ferry Users Group to update them on the project. Below is a link to the slides presented at the meeting.

Ferry user group meeting 2022

27 May 2022

We held a meeting with the Cumbrae Ferry Users Group to update them on our work in progress to replace or refurbish the slipway at Cumbrae.  We have published a Q&A to share the questions and feedback arising from the meeting: